
Your theory is plausible, and makes me sad.

That Shannara adaptation was the WORST. I could not watch more than two episodes, and I have a high tolerance for barely watchable dreck based on a book I loved.

I’d like to see a series based on “A Night in the Lonesome October”, though it could end up being too much like “Penny Dreadful” - not that I would mind that, personally.

I wish I could give this more stars.

Cathartic but then the relationship ends, so her shitty life just goes back to probably worse than before she met him, so... dunno

No mention of when Dud had his erstwhile “girlfriend” tell her mother she wishes she was dead? That was such a discordant note in this otherwise somewhat cosy show. I’m not sure what the point of that was, really.

Ernie is such a mensch.

I had the same thought as the scene opened and then realized he was sitting next to the mummy... whatever

It is likely to give him something. Some kind of alchemy will happen between the snake bite, the corpse dust and whatever else. This show can be a bit slow moving but I still find it interesting. Like Mulder in the X-Files, I want to believe :)

I suffered through to the end as well. But even the prospect of seeing more shots of Charlie’s fine fundament was not worth it.

She was a real treat. My desk got moved to the middle of the HS library (as a surprise after coming back from summer break) and I would come in to start my day to extreme Japanese bondage porn screensavers some jerk kid had managed to put on there. I also had to go to her damn tupperware parties and bring something

Or he is paying her to stay with him until he is no longer president.

That thing is an ugly ass nightmare. I do like the Viking ship out front, though.

Now playing

Thanks for gathering all that up. What a dumpster fire. I miss Coach Uncle Burnsie though:

Fuck the skol chant for now being forever tainted.”

You KNOW she’s at least doing a cameo.

The first episode of Kidding is already available on demand. It was okay, but I kept waiting for some kind of punchline or weird twist. If this is just going to be a slog through someone’s grief it may already have jumped the shark for me. Meh.

After having suffered through “Sharp Objects” I really hope this is not just more misery porn.

*Spoiler Alert*

Agreed! I SUCK at doing the self-checkout and will go wait in line at the regular checkout unless there is no choice. Which is sometimes the case at 3am at Walmart (where they seem to be pushing for 100% self checkout eventually). I was so happy to actually be helped one night I did the online survey to give the lady