
Short story: Always treat the people well who empty your trash cans at work. Not only because it is the right thing to do. I had someone at a previous job clue me into the fact that my boss was having her save my trash so she could look through it. I then made sure to squirt ketchup and mustard and whatever else over

Just having a decent boss is hard to come by. The daily life you live has to be worth living. Too many of us have kept hellish jobs so that we will have more “for the future” meanwhile hating to get out of bed and face another day. So good for you. If your life is working for you you are already “doing better” than

I know, right? It’s like she had to take it at the most unflattering angle possible.


I can be two things :)

As long as it’s not Jar Jar Binks.

If it gets made I hope they don’t though.

The Elvis Special



You are not alone. I just feel sad about who he turned out to be. I really liked those two movies and Sleepers and Annie Hall. I was a fan, but I can’t separate the artist from the art and can’t enjoy those anymore.

Maybe that’s why she was on meds? Grief itself can kill you, one way or another. She was probably just trying to cope. Poor thing.

MANY drugs have bad side effects if you stop them cold turkey. Even high blood pressure meds or others that average Americans take every day. Would they deprive a diabetic of insulin? It is because they wrote her off as a drug “addict”.  And after clocking out how many of them went home to throw back a few brewskis?

Are they still married? If not, I hope her “new job” is alimony. Kidding! (or am I?)

Thanks for the link. My kids are grown now, but the grandkids might be interested.

But the one on the plate looks like white bread? I’m thinking the whole grain one might actually taste better.

And for me it would be the reverse. The bottom crust is edible, the top crust, usually not so much.

Wow. That is picky eater dialed up to 11. At least he was able to do it himself and didn’t demand someone do it for him. I guess there is that.

That 25 cents a serving is not counting the amount of time it would take you to do that. And time is worth a lot for most of us if you work full time and have a house and a family to take care of, etc. And need I add if we have to punch a clock, and that minute we spend making a sandwich means we punch in a minute

Now that might actually be edible.