
Reminds me of pancakes fried in bacon grease, like mom used to make. 


You really must try the Limited Edition Peach flavored Cheerios milk. It is fabulous.

I know, right? Liz Perkins is driving me mad with the knowing looks and nothing else. Gah!

*crazy as balls* would be nice, but I don’t think we are going to get that, sadly

Plus, the blood was bright red, as in recently spilled. Had it been from the murdered sister it would have been brown. Perhaps an indication that her Aunt Flo is visiting this week?

Thanks for clearing that up. I was quite confused.

I am with you on this. I even found a spoiler online that indicated who the killer will probably be, so I am not watching it for the “whodunnit” aspect.

They would likely make a lot of noise doing that, though, which is what I tell myself about my window units.

I don’t know what to make of him, either, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The show just became more interesting with this week’s episode. I did not know it was supposed to be mocking the Murdoch family, so thanks for that.

As am I.

Ditto on the Claws reviews. That show is crazy in a fun way.

Someone had a lot of fun crafting that headdress with the fake yarn horns and all.

She is insufferable, but someone who runs this show surely thinks otherwise. Yuck.

Anton is definitely going to be sleeping with someone, if not Professor Sexfrench, then Allison or Sierra. Allison was actually my first thought, since he has been reading Noah’s book, which is kind of an advertisement for Allison’s sexual appeal.

What a cringefest. The only relief came when Pacey showed up to take Noah and Token on a road trip.

I love Kevin Smith unreservedly. I look forward to whatever it is. Fight me. (never saw Tusk though)

I think it was good up until the ending, which was really lame.

I loved Misfits! I don’t remember seeing Ruth, but I don’t think I saw all of the episodes.