
I’m with you there on the Noah, but I just keep looking at Cole as an aging Pacey so I’m still a little interested in a morbid kind of way as to what he’s been up to lately :)

It’s not about Noah; it’s that apparently Helen has gone all Cali neo-hippie and everything is now just “whatever, man.”

Fiona Apples dreadful caterwauling is always the worst part of this show. 

It’s hilarious that you don’t think that they do. I have three sisters; ALL of their husbands bitched about how much money they did or didn’t make. My first husband bitched at me, as well. My second husband did not. So anecdotally, we are 4 out of 5 here. After my second husband passed many of the men I dated were

Ain’t it grand when you have to fight the sexism in your own family?


Is she still your friend? Please say no.

You are awesome.

It’s too bad that you had to state the bleeding obvious, but I’m glad that you did.

I appreciate your comment, but working in a mostly female workplace is no guarantee of equality. The women outnumber the men at my workplace but our female boss then chooses to keep the few men we have as pets who get extra treats like last minute time off and promotions. 

Thank you for your service, and for this comment.

Maybe if we repeat this enough times certain people will “get it?”

Which, in one case of my experience was a bonus of cash for the men and the leftover wilted office poinsettias for the ladies.

THIS. Thank you for your testimony.

Company cultures differ. That does not negate the original point and the experience of the vast majority of women in the work force.

I have fallen for that, drank that kool aid, and it availed me nothing but health issues caused by stress. Former supervisor dangled the carrot of one step up the ladder if only I would do all the things she asked me to do, regardless of appropriateness. Right before she left she admitted I would never be promoted

Such wisdom is rare for one in management, in my experience. And for that we thank you.

In other words, I agree with you, Tzepish.

You are equating “cool stuff” with risk taking. “Cool stuff” may be something that looks flashy but has little substance, for example. I think you are the first poster to mention risk taking. That is perhaps your thing and not as relevant to the rest of us as you think it is. I would wager that most of us work some