
The Japanese also don’t put their elderly in nursing homes. The thought that we can pick and choose what we like from other cultures and use it in our own is ludicrous. Most women have done the “team player” routine. We were trained to. It is only very recently we have begun to question it. It is not petty and I

Oh trust me, many of us females in the workplace could give a flying fuck about all the things you list every bit as much as the males do. Unfortunately, if your boss wants that stuff to happen it makes little difference. At one job our boss put on a holiday party every year where she would expect all the women to get

P.S. My supervisor is female, for what that is worth.

Thank you for taking the time to tell your story with all the specific examples. I don’t have the energy. Preach sister!

Methinks you doth protest too much. Probably time to stop digging now.

I also work in a large, diverse, IT team and I have been “volunteered” for many thankless tasks in the 12 years I have been here while the white males get promoted and get to work from home 2 days a week. Good for you that you reward your team in the way you say that you do, but you are the exception to the rule. The


There is a reddit thread called “malicious compliance.” This reminded me of that.

Thanks for the warning. I tried it here at work because we are filtered and anti-virused, etc. to the max. I would be more cautious at home.

And then the soundtrack from CSI: Miami plays... “YeOWWW....”

A fried egg on my sausage pizza actually sounds delicious.

“a knowledge of human anatomy that begins and ends with his own ass”

Excellent article, and thanks for sharing it. The level of denial many of us have lived with is truly shocking. I have come to a lot of this on my own as a cranky old woman who lives alone (not unhappily), but this article broke through yet another layer of denial. I’d like to see this posted on High School bulletin

I have had clinical depression and that kind of slow burn underlying pervasive sadness (currently), but not what you are terming a major depression that comes in waves. Grief was something that came in waves, but is different, so I kind of get it, yet not totally

I guess because most of us are so self involved we often just skim the surface of what is going on with someone else, unless they are our children and spouses, and even that is no guarantee we are paying adequate attention.

I guess I am a really bad actor, then. My grandson will often know I am sad before even I do. We are playing a game and having fun and he would look at my face and ask me why I am sad. I am a widow but he never got to meet his grampa so it is hard for me to explain. So I just smile and tell him that he makes me feel

I like your username :)

Liked this to take it out of the greys. I can’t read the link yet because work blocks google drive but I will check it later.

I know, right? Who among us has never laughed at the antics of an entertaining bully without first thinking of the bully’s victim(s) and stepping up immediately to stop it? Who among us has never been behind someone in the grocery line who is clearly being treated badly by the cashier because of their race, ethnicity,

Not to mention that hard jagged pit in the middle. I haven’t seen the film so maybe there was a scene where they removed the pit first? So many questions.