
I read the article hoping for some hint of why he offed himself. There was none. He seemed to enjoy life so much.... it is still such a mystery.

CVS is the worst. I used to get my ADD meds filled at one and they would always give me attitude and peer at me over their bifocals in disapproval. Other shenanigans included telling me my prescription was ready when I called from home and then after I showed up being told they were out of that particular medication

Not to mention his probably being arrested and convicted of assault. Black men have been shot for much less.

Exactly. Why not have as many tools as possible in dealing with these situations? I don’t think many women would suddenly have a false sense of security just because a bar offers Angel Shots. 

The first thing I thought of is that this could get you sued, ironically. Not to mention that this guy could now come back at you with some other kind of retaliation. I’m sure you already get that. Just throwing this out there for “someone” else.

I hated Alison a little bit less this episode. This job of hers is showing her focusing on someone other than herself or her men, which is refreshing. Until that new guy shows up and obviously falls for her at first sight. Here we go again....

“...dimly lit wrestling photos”?

Great article. My husband passed 18 years ago and I am still not done processing it. One thing I really appreciated at the funeral, and later, was to hear stories about him from other people he had known. It was like I got to have a little bit more of him to hang on to that I hadn’t had before. Every story was such a

Oh the nostalgia feels! Shut up and take my money!

Finally a decent outcome from one of these horror stories. This brightens my day!

That was very helpful. I am so curious about this movie yet wanted to avoid being traumatized. Thanks!

Pretty typical of a sex addict. I’m surprised no one else has suggested this.


Dule Hill! That would work. A discreetly placed pineapple should also appear somewhere :)

please no

I was so sad when it ended. The Leftovers is recommended for those who liked surprises. I was never sure where it was going to go next, which made it compelling. For those who insist shows are firmly grounded in current reality, then this would not be your cup of tea.

Sleep that deeply, do you?

I tried reading “Jude the Obscure” and it was so boring and depressing I gave up on it nearly immediately. It is still around here somewhere, but thanks for the Cliff Notes. Guess it will be donated... or just thrown out to save anyone else the pain.

Excellent! I have read the book, though long ago. Great analysis on your part.

But I can’t argue with her as a stand in for the audience. I am also saying the F word every other sentence as I watch this show.