
Nope. I did just that in the most polite way possible and the employee kept yelling at me NOT TO POINT as if I was waving my middle digit at him and then dipping it in the product. I then tried not to point but then he did not understand which salsa I wanted and kept dripping the wrong one on my food. It was very

Depends on the bookstore. I worked at one that also sold magazines, and some of those were of a certain type, if you get my drift. I had one customer throw a pile of about ten of them on the counter and give me this defiant stare as if I gave a shit what magazines he chooses to buy. I looked blankly back at him and

This. Be nice to the cleaning staff, and not just because it is the right thing to do. The job you save may be your own. A cleaning person at a former workplace tipped me off that my boss had been going through my trash everyday. God knows what that crazy bitch was looking for, but it gave me great satisfaction to


Yes. This. Thank you for your response.

Finally saw “The Man Who Came to Dinner” (the Bette Davis version) movie on TCM. I loved it! This is one I will re-watch every year. It features lots of witty dialogue by Moss Hart. Great fun. Example:

That clicking that REDUCES the stars also happens to me on here. Tonight after I went to my profile and then back to comments it is working properly again. For now. F Kinja in the A.

Um, no. I feel exactly the way most guys supposedly do about all of that, but I am female (and always have been, just to be clear). Now that I live alone, my place is a complete sty. I am too busy playing video games and watching cable tv to bother with that crap when no one is forcing me to. The only reason I ever

Riddle me this. Why, when I click on the star for someone’s post, the number of stars goes DOWN?

One can just as easily scream “GRAY DUCK!” at the top of one’s lungs, which is what we always did, you silly.

Thank you for writing this; the game will forever be “duck duck grayduck” to me. Duck duck goose just ain’t right.

I know, right? I always thought of it as “bean bag toss”, but shortening to bags seems ok. When I first heard of a game called cornhole I was pretty sure I never wanted to play that... whatever it was. How about a new detective show called Bags and Cornhole, featuring Cloris Leachman as Bags, and um.... Tom Cruise as

Parking deck... I approve.

I had never heard it called a chesterfield. I like your explanation, though.

My grandmother always called it a davenport back when I was a kid in Minnesota. I like the name better than sofa, just because it reminds me of her.

That extended sex scene was pretty pointless, except for the wonderment of watching “Diane” continually mush “Dale’s” face around with her hands. What was that about?

I guess that should have had a U in it too, oops!


I’m reading this right now, after buying the hardcover from the Dollar Store. It’s really not that bad, but if I had paid $23.99 for it I would probably feel differently.

For the love of all that is holy please approve my previous comment and take me out of the grey.