
OMG. Why is the new formatting for this page so fooked?! I can’t even expand the rest of the Comments. Kinja makes Google look like Mother Theresa to me right now.

So I guess one ends up in the gray in each separate comment section until someone releases us? I am in the center circle of Kinja Hell!

Very useful concept. I wish I had had this years ago. Thanks for posting it.

Shitfucks, indeed. Not only that, but every page of comments I go to seems to format itself randomly, sometimes putting comments to the extreme left of the page. And these text boxes are like something from an old Apple Computer. I don’t know what you mean by solving something with tabbing, but I’m willing to try it.

I think what you meant to say was “Welcome to Hell”

Your user name is awesome.

Kinja, hands down.

I pretty much agree with everything you’ve said. I’m glad I never read the books. Endless discussions of grain harvests and descriptions of the landscape want to make me hurl books at the wall. Thanks for saving me a few bucks when I was tempted to buy the books to tide me over until the next season. Like you, all I

It’s good to have options other than the one that will break the internets.

Recommended for the Kinja comment.

Have to agree that the movies nerfed Gimli and made him more comic relief than the warrior he was in the books. Sad.

I remember Legolas being more badass in the books. And my first thought on seeing Bloom in the movie was “he’s too pretty to be Legolas.”

Good point about Benjen’s flail.


Bite your tongue! And then wash your mouth out with soap! In that order!

I so want this to be true.

P.S. could someone please take me out of the grey?

I always deal with it by focusing on the fact that the actors are not themselves related. Completely eliminates the squick factor for me.

P.S. Hate the redesign. It is fugly. Please roll back the changes. I realize we can’t have Disqus back, but does the rest of it have to bite as well???

OMG this sucks donkeys. Could the “claim my account” process possibly be more ridiculous? And it doesn’t fookin’ work! Page goes blank after entry.