
Goodbye cruel world (flushes)

"Ragtag band of misfits" is my favorite trope. When the hound sat up from that bench I was like "Yassss Queen!"

I did like Gus in the beginning but after the wrestling dude died his storyline is going nowhere interesting.

Best part of this episode? No Zach!

"Claws" is awesome. Why isn't this site at least giving us a comment section for it?

Tim Powers rules! Last Call is one of my faves. I have not read The Dark Tower but am looking forward to the movie with Idris Elba. Currently reading Six Gun Tarot and enjoying it but it is no Last Call.

The Book Group also stars Michelle Gomez (Dr. Who's Missy/The Master). Why hasn't this been on the local PBS yet, dag nabbit.

played by Michael Greyeyes… I like the actor a lot so hope they do right by him and give him a decent storyline


I wish that were true. My company just pushed out a new "company branded" screensaver to all it's computers this very night. Le sigh.

It was embarrassingly bad and cringe worthy. I like T J Miller but maybe he is better at doing someone else's material. He is funny in movies and sitcoms but if this is what his standup is like… meh

As someone who has one of those neurological disorders I could totally relate to Richard's actions with regards to the screensaver thing. I narrowly avoided getting fired for doing something similar.

In that case, Harry Dresden will be coming for me ;)

I've read the book(s) and after this episode I'm just going to go ahead and say that this tv series is much more emotionally satisfying. I do Like Gaiman as an author, but his books are usually missing something in the emotional payoff department, for me. Bravo to the show runners for giving us a Mad Sweeney and a

I had not heard that one. Explains why they are always so cranky too.

She was my favorite character in the book, and was not around nearly as long as I wanted her to be. I hope they expand her role considerably in the series. Fingers crossed.

dag nabbit; that is disappointing

and the mirrors

Jared and Sheldon Cooper?

It reminded me of Indy shooting that swordsman guy in Raiders.