
I love this batshit crazy show! Also, Biometric Penis Scanner would be a great band name.

"worst case scenario" is my middle name

True. And Jack Rackham was also hanged historically and yet he is still alive on the show. Anne Bonney claimed she was pregnant and was spared the noose. Her ultimate end is unknown. She could have died in prison or she could have escaped or been ransomed. It will be interesting to see what the show does with her.

And yet still valid in 2017. Unless you also do computer support somewhere you really have no idea how bad it still is out there.

Worse! They are DOCTORS and NURSES caring for PATIENTS in HOSPITALS. These are people with advanced degrees whose stupidity with computers is beyond astounding.

Shadow is meant to be kind of a cipher; the hint is in the name. It works better in the book, to be sure.

They could also segue into "Anansi Boys" which isn't quite a sequel but could be rolled into this same universe.

This definitely had a Game of Thrones title sequence vibe.


You are not wrong.

I do computer support for a living, and believe me, there are plenty of people in 2017 who can't find the enter button or don't know what a search engine is. The googles are abundant. example:…

Also, check out the movie "Wristcutters, a Love Story" featuring their song "Through the Roof 'n' Underground". It can be hard to get out of your head once you've heard it though.

"Budget Nudist"

Might at least be enough time for us all to stick our heads between our knees and kiss our asses goodbye ;)

And it's never really over, speaking from experience, sadly.

Do it!

A.V. Club commenters are my favorite people. That is all.

My temporary operating theory is that her brief encounter with her shade gave her a bit of an empathy boost that enabled her to to the right thing by Q. It will wear off and she'll be back to being a psychopath. It is the continuous connection with one's shade that would enable a stable empathy and that is what she

She's pregnant.

FINALLY! A decent episode. Also the first time I liked the president elect at least a little bit. Go Quinn! As soon as Max saw Dar at the sock puppet factory I was screaming at the tv "GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW!!!"