
Totes. They really missed an opportunity to tell a more interesting story there.

Ditto. I did catch the part where he grew up in a group home. Was it somewhere in that same conversation?

I thought he was fired first, for being "unreliable" and then died. I could be wrong though.

WHAT?! I saw that episode and had no idea that was him under there.

Or… she isn't really dead.

One almost expects him to ask for some of those "fried taters".

One almost expects him to ask for some of those "fried taters".

I agree with your "slack-jawed damp towel" but I got the impression it was the way the character was written. I love the Whedonverse, but this would be the one major flaw, for me.

THIS. I never liked Tara as a character. Amber Benson is awesome, but Tara was so meh and almost, whatever the politically correct term is… "mentally challenged"? Seriously. (ducks)

Evil Alice is definitely more fun than Eeyore Alice but I was glad when the repetitive yelling in Q's face to notice her was over.

OMG Doyle! I will never get over them killing him off so early. His quote about Angel's "overhanging forehead" is just the best.

It is possible to love someone, even unconditionally, but not want to be in a relationship with them. That said, not sure how much she meant that "I love you," so I get your point.

Oh the travesty! I had read the books and had this vague "Legolas is not quite right" feeling about the first movie, and that is it! He is so much more butch in the books, for sure. Spike in tights would have totally nailed it. Mr. Bloom was pretty and all, but now all I want is Marsters as Legolas, dag nabbit!

Ewan McGregor as twins? Get out! Now I have to find the trailer….

I agree that those two have good chemistry. She was worried about him and he's like "whatever, mom," while secretly appreciating that she cares about him. And he is concerned enough that he wants to protect her from the arms of the gunpowder Chemist. I hope they don't kill her off, and equally hope their relationship

Reading the Observer's review right now. It is so much better I am bookmarking the site so I can go straight there next time and just come back here for the commenting fun.

I think it was his mother who did it; either through possessing Zilpha or sending a dream of Delaney telling her to.

I had the thought that James mother had been possessing Zilpha off and on all along. Her character seems more inconsistent than even her abuse could account for. Perhaps every time we see her widen her eyes it is really James mother looking out from them. I haven't seen episodes past this one, so if that gets

That CGI deer was so bad I thought it was a moose.

"Drive it into the Ground"… except for Penny Dreadful which just abruptly ended… grumble grumble