

"specific type of internal morality who are not treated well by the less thoughtful people around them" Can you expand upon this? I really like what you are saying here and want to hear more. I can also relate personally to that phrase.

I'm thinking his baby could be the beacon or marker, amirite?

Christine has stolen this show to the point that I don't really care what happens to Chip anymore, except as it would affect her. Is that bad?

Upvoted for the visual of the Saviors teabagging Hilltop.

So tired of all the naked Hannah hate. This is what most women really look like naked in the broad daylight and it's about time we all get over it.

He was so sweet about it, though, wasn't he?

Riz Ahmed: YUM! Also, Marnie is the worst.

Woot! ….. and ….and SQeeeeee!

One wonders if "Big Ethel" will make an appearance.

I love this show, even the "table setting" episodes like this one - back demons and sexy Penny notwithstanding.

Ditto, though not to Britney. In may day that was not a common name.

fair point

I was kind of hoping he was going to make a bazooka out of those cans - like Tulip did in Preacher :)

Ruh Roh. And Saul being kidnapped again was by whom?

Finally caught up with this on demand. Such a well written show! I was totally sucked in and Danson's evil smile just gave me chills. That a half hour sitcom can be this thought-provoking… We have Donald Trump for president…. hands up all who think this must be the bad place we are living in right now.

Eurus (let's just call her Equus and throw some horse blinding in there while we're at it) was not a very compelling character as she was written and played. So agree with you on that score.

This. If only they had let her play pirates with them just once, she would have quickly gotten bored and moved onto something else. A stitch in time and all that.

Even if you can catch someone in a brief moment of happiness it doesn't mean that their life is going well in general.