
Or… Is Tyrell a secret son of Mr. Robot's? Plot twist!

I'm glad someone brought this up. It was the most confusing thing for me about this whole episode. WTF? Whether it's Tyrell's love for Mr. Robot or for Elliott, his tone was so emotional. Tyrell is some kind of sociopath, right? How can he say he loves anyone and mean it?

Glad the Z is back. I particularly enjoyed the supersaturated red up against the rest of the colors being muted in every scene, like Doc's glasses.

Not at all happy they killed off Capt. Vane last season. He was fun to watch, and also awesome to see naked.

Really looking forward to that scene with Buddy and his mom. T.v. gold right there.

I could see some of what he's done as survival, but the tats were so beyond dumb.

I don't think Chandra is Muslim, though, is she? I could swear she said something about being Hindu.

WOw… a D? Seriously? This was my favorite episode of the series so far.

Believe me, if I thought I could have gotten away with it, I would have. I did do a few "minor mischief things" like hide peeled hard boiled eggs in hard to reach places, but that probably only punished the janitorial staff.

As someone who worked in the IT dept. at a school I can attest to that. I was "let go" with a couple of week's notice and when I didn't have a pleasant enough look on my face my (feeling guilty) boss said I should be grateful because he could have made me leave right then and have me escorted out the door. Our


There are rape cases where the guy did wear a condom so as not to leave evidence; no idea the statistics on that, though; might not be too common.

Another detail I missed. I guess I was lulled to near sleep by the pacing as noted by other commenters. Good catch.

that would redeem it somewhat

I just REALLY hope we won't have to suffer through another prison rape scene.

Suicide by proxy would be the only explanation that makes sense to me if it turns out he did it. Or it may be another red herring they set up by that knife game they did earlier.

good catch - man, I must've been only paying half attention to this show while playing a video game or something, as I am wont to do

Shady stepdad has definitely been up to some kind of shenanigans, whether he is actually guilty of the murder or not.

I guess I am really dense, as I thought the knife Naz had on him was the murder weapon, but what may happen is they will say that perhaps he had an accomplice that used another knife for the coup de gras?

and by scratches, I don't mean the ones on his back - but ones on his face and arms, etc.