
And also? Wouldn't there have been signs of a struggle upon Naz's body and clothing? Buttons missing, scratches, etc.

And also not enough sexy time with the werewolf. :(

I feel unsatisfied. That is all.

I kept yelling "Serpentine!" at the screen.

Nah, just Aspbergers.

Was Thoros the guy with the man bun?

Not to mention that the knife was also twisted while deep in one of those wounds.

It makes sense, but I hope you are wrong. I don't want either Tormund or Davos to die, dag nabbit.

I like your analysis, except for the Waif maybe being some kind of "fight club" deal.

And kind of cute or comical, not sure what the show runners intended with that.

I got more of a "mother/daughter" vibe from that scene.

OOOOOO! I had no idea.


One can be addicted to more than one thing. One example is the trio of addictions to sex, alcohol and gambling, sometimes in concert, sometimes in rotation. I would not assign a specific sex addiction to any of the characters, myself, just making a point in the continuing discussion by linking anxiety and addiction.

Well, if Sam is gay he is really good at faking hetero. Some scenes with gay male actors kissing women are so cringe-worthy and they can't seem to avoid the look of sucking lemons when they kiss women. Kudos to Sam!

And they also conveniently have needle and thread to stitch her up.


I believe the girl was reciting the lines because she was the understudy to play the lead should the lead meet an untimely end. Such a classic murder trope is as common as the one where "the butler did it."

I deal with those scenes by reminding myself that the actors playing those two are not related in real life.

I know, right? I even said it out loud to the tv "Where is the f**kin' anesthetic?!"