
I know, right? I didn't want Summer to go down like such a bitch.

Rory Kinnear finally got his chance to shine. His emo monster was sometimes hard to take, unless he was kicking the ass of someone who deserved it, like the waxworks guy. Rory's more than earned his place on this show now with his amazing performance in this episode.

I was REALLLY kind of hoping that when Osha reached into Ramsay's pants she was going to rip his dick off with her bare hands. I would have been a much better plan that trying to reach that knife.

which means next episode some real bad shit is going to go down

It will probably involve the need for a change of pants.

I was clapping and yelling YES! YES! YES! at the tv. Better even than Dany's firewalk.

As Sansa and Jon approached each other, I was yelling at the tv "There better be hugging, dammit!" I was not disappointed :D

Tormund/Brienne FTW!

Same here - I found myself thinking for a moment "maybe the actress that plays Helena is pregnant in real life and needs to take some time off" d'oh!

Maybe he has OCD!

I was going to say that if you didn't; let's call him Chekov's Dracula ;)

Sir Lyle FTW!

strangely enough, this episode made it seem like Jessa and Adam are a good fit, at least for the short term; they both have some rage issues to work out, and I guess as long as they only take it out on inanimate objects it is somewhat therapeutic

Synchronicity: an episode of Broad City I watched last night also featured a fruit basket.

LDP did refer to himself at least once as "Lou Diamond Philips" as if he were talking of himself in the third person. He did not mention Young Guns but Hardwick did.

"I'm getting too old for this shit" - Murtagh

Seems WAY more plausible than it being Calvin.

I don't think it is Calvin. Didn't they show a back shot of the killer? He looked too ripped to be Calvin.

I was getting a distinct Helena vibe at the end there from MK - your theory makes senseā€¦

So when does the next season start? I love all the surprises on this show, especially after the snooze fest that was the return of "Fear the Walking Dead". Urgh