
oh dang, they skipped all that? good thing I'm not a reader of the books or that would have really bugged me - in most cases it is most fun to read the books and then see the movies - it worked for Potter, but in this case the opposite seems to be true

good point

I usually just deal with these via the old "timey-wimey" hand wave and move on.

I kind of liked the asylum episode - of course I haven't read the books so your mileage may vary.

The same guys that cry and plead and say they will die without you are the same ones who hook up with someone else nearly immediately, because they can't stand to be alone. It is always a shock the first time you experience this. :)

This is the episode that made me see what all the Ray love has been about in these comments. His threatening Liam Neeson level violence on Hannah's behalf after what she had just done to him and his expensive personal property was really something.

"Hostile niceness" - I have known quite a few people like that - it is an apt description.

I can't believe they are moving Orphan Black to thursdays - the bastards! And my On Demand service doesn't do BBC. Grrrrrrrrr……

WOw - some how I missed that, and I watch the news a couple of times a day. Bizarre indeed.

This is my favorite show right now! So glad they are doing a second season. I might have to read the books in the interim to feed this new addiction.

I'm OCD like that, and she may not be pregnant anymore but it's Schrodingers baby for now and killing her would still have that added factor of awful.

Exactamundo. Nailed it.

That was very interesting. Thanks for sharing that.

I hope someone put gum in her hair :)

Fran is still getting sex and Hannah is holding on because letting go is so scary. I think she was getting there, but then the Jessa/Adam realization hit her and she had to crawl back into the only comfort available right now. Though it would be better if she just ripped off the bandaid and had some alone time - that

Thank you! There was too much focus on Hannah's one over the top antic, which Fran did not even have to witness. Fran has been a judgmental dick the whole relationship. That grammar-correcting scene on a previous episode really did it for me in terms of "Fran has got to go."

Two addicts hook up - what could possibly go wrong? ;)

Just replying to the idea that Fran only treats Hannah badly when she does something as "out there" as exposing herself. Remember, in another episode he was also correcting her grammar, for god' sake. When people really love each other they accept all kinds of outrageous behavior and even sometimes find it "endearing"

I've read most of the comments, but forgive me if someone else already said it. I think it may be Maggie who gets the bat. From Negan's perspective she is not of much use to add to his crew, being female and nearly dead already. Her only value would be as a hostage to get the others to do his bidding for the short
