
No one seems to have mentioned that what Burton did with the bat to the guy with his head in the vise seemed to be a mercy killing. Maybe it was so obvious as to not need to be mentioned? Anyhoo, I find it very unlikely that it was he who killed Rebecca. He may have had to kill her at some point for various reasons,

You make good points. Sheldon is too organized to be a classic hoarder, and this does seem inconsistent with his character.

I actually missed that the first time through, caught it on second viewing, which is to say it didn't take me out of the moment - too much else to focus on :)

You don't understand how hoarding works. He may keep his stuff in that storage locker because it is a shameful thing. He can't let that stuff go but he doesn't want to have to live with it and look at it every day or have it exposed to other people who might judge him. It is not logical to spend all that extra money

I know, right? That makes the least amount of sense among all the contradictions this episode.

The motivation for many sex addicts behavior (as an extreme example) is indeed to self medicate their anxiety. I know this from having a relationship with a couple of them (I used to be a magnet for some reason),and having to read up on it in self defense. Also, when one takes anti-anxiety meds like serotonin reuptake

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought "wait… WHAT?!" several times this episode. I haven't read the books obviously, which is probably a good thing. The random three way was not the most surprising turn of events, since, well… testosterone and other drugs. Anyhoo, does the Lamia thing mean we won't be having to

agreed - my first thought was OMG now we will have a "who's the father?" storyline

Good episode. I don't hate Marnie quite as much anymore, but I fear this may be a "one off" and she'll be back to the old Marnie next ep. I truly hope not.

"I remain uninterested in the Kate-Bryan-Terri love triangle" - who are they, again? by which I mean to say "ditto"

Bubba Ho-Tep FTW! Plus, Bruce Campbell :)

I just channel-surfed upon this and was delighted that they have chosen to feature the Hap and Leonard characters from Joe Lansdale's series of books. (If you like Elmore Leonard, there are some similarities.) I've only read the first Hap and Leonard titled "Savage Season" which must be where they got the plot for

It was nice seeing Ian get to be the stable one for an episode. His platonic relationship with Mandy is way more interesting that his bland new lovelife.

It's easy to live peacefully when you are living out in the woods alone with your goat. Just sayin'….

Well, that blade probably had zombie juice on it, just saying….

Stick with it, it may take a few episodes but by the time it gets to this one you will be hooked :)

I'm convinced that the character of Quentin being at all appealing is due to the actor who plays him, especially since he is supposedly written to be a jerk. When you watch those "behind the scenes" clips it is clear that the actor is a warm and intelligent person with a sense of humor and that can't help but come

Good insight. I also thought "whoa! maybe Eliot is the most powerful one of them all". I haven't read the books, obvously, or else I might have already known that.

Interesting. I have not read the books but this comment makes me want to. They have obviously "cleaned up" the series as compared to the books. Maybe that's why for the first few episodes I couldn't figure out why everyone was so mean to Quentin, despite him seeming kind of a schlub. Had I been enlighted by the books

Yeah; I am really over the mopey Julia, I hope they do something different with her character soon. Her scenes just drag.