
Why isn't Lambert playing the lead? Kind of a waste of his fabulousness in the minor role of Eddie, methinks.

No mention of "Real Time with Bill Mahr" returning tonight?

I watched most of it and then followed the recaps here on AV Club to find out how it ended because I couldn't get the rest on demand and was working when it was on. I really liked it and had hoped for another season.

Woot! (Hoot)

Can't wait! Looks delicious!

Mr. Bates reminds me of my late husband so I am quite fond of him. I hope those 2 crazy kids are able to have children after all and Anna lives through the experience. No more sad trombones for them dammit!

So glad this show is back; I've missed the Gallaghers. And I agree that we could have done without the Will Sasso character. He is badly written and adds nothing to the show. And, is it my imagination or has Kevin gotten HUGE - I mean he was always tall but seems to have beefed up considerably. It's too bad the

Me too, twice. Once during the show and again when they showed the clip during the after show.

I just wasn't able to focus on that as the specific problem, because of the way my brain processes info. I can hyper focus and tune out anything I don't find important. It is a blind spot, in one way, or a super power in another. Sometimes I won't realize that there is an annoying sound until it quits and then I

I would totally use CC if it was an option, but either due to my cheap tv or my cable co. I don't have the opportunity.

I really liked this episode. I liked both the goofiness in the beginning and the gravity at the end. Isn't life like that, really? I remember the first time I was able to have a good laugh some time after losing the love of my life. There is an extra giddiness there because of the contrast with such deep sorrow. I

Freaky synchronicity - Pompeii just mentioned on the news on CNN as I was reading this.

The only thing I can agree with you on is the "extra mumbly" part. I had to watch the episode again with the volume cranked up and still could not catch every line, but there were many that I did catch that second time through. Lots of good one-liners there, so it was worth it.

"Having something to believe in, having a purpose, doesn’t make life any
less absurd. It just gives you something to hold onto while the world
laughs." Indeed.

I was shocked when that didn't happen.

Hmmmmmm… could she have snuck in and stolen the soap while they were asleep? The plot thickens!

Excellent point. I was totally sucked in. Oh gee, Cole has really straightened his shit up, thinks I. Wot a sap.

Either that or Noah is taking the rap temporarily for who really did it and if he contradicts anything it will point back to the person he is trying to protect.

Yeah, I was pretty disappointed when she didn't cackle; it was like a joke without a punchline.

Good point and… Ick.