
She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, as they say.

Oscar was just the best with his "REALLY?" line. I would like this show better if Allison did turn out to be an evil person ala "Kaiser Soze", complete with limp :D

Yes. It brought a tear to my eye.

I had that same thought. As upsetting as it was it was probably what Quinn would have wanted her to do. I'm not convinced he would be for it if their positions were reversed though. Just sayin'

Also, and I admit I haven't seen every episode of the Knick, do we know what led her to become a nun? Some women have entered the convent as a retreat from the world after being sexually molested as children. We are also seeing her actions through our modern filter, and forget how dangerous it was for an unmarried

I love the second season of Fargo (haven't seen the first yet) and I didn't think the second season of TD sucked all that hard. I really enjoyed some of it, and look forward to season 3. Some people just couldn't handle the comedown from season one.

I also loved Dead Like Me and wish it had more seasons and I loved the book American Gods and hope they dont F it up. What do the two have to do with each other though? When you say "his general aesthetic" I guess I don't know who you mean. Thanks in advance.


I love "Go". I rewatch it whenever it's on tv. I am very fond of those "it happened one night" and stories told from multiple viewpoints. Tim O. is just the cherry on top :D

It will be interesting to see if anything more of his past is revealed in the last episode. There is a thing that happens when you feel you have limited choices and keep stumbling along your same destructive ruts. Some of us get lucky and meet someone who takes us aside and shows us some other choices, or we pick up a

And which one is that? Not just idle curiosity on my part.

you are probably right

I know I have been spending WAY too much time commenting on this thread but I love this show so much and will really miss it when the season ends. As for Hanzee being ungrateful to the family that took him in and fed him, etc. It is not such a big favor if in return you are raised to be a criminal and suffer the

maybe they went to school together and she never noticed him but he noticed her, or she represents a life he could have had… That kind of "stricken" look some men get when they are awed by you is what I recognized there - your mileage may vary :)

I know, right? I want a third season, dag nabbit!

I took is as he possibly just finally snapped when Dodd insulted him and then thought he might as well kill the rest of them because at that point they were going to try to kill him. "In for a penny, in for a pound" as they say. Twisted logic, but some kind of logic all the same. I understand that kind of black and


I had a co-worker complain once that we were "biting off too many balls in the air"