
One would think that with airlines acting like dicks of late to working people, the government would step in..........oh wait, they only care about people in first class or can afford a personal airplane. They are also pretty much mouthpieces for the airlines. My bad.

As an involved dad who had to deal with an asshole ex who tried to shut me out of my sons life (she failed), I usually root for the dad in custody battles...........In the case of Alex Jones, the judge should have given the mother full custody.

I only looked at the comments for this one just to find the “lets attempt a Boston accent” post. These are beyond ancient at this point

I dont consider Martin O’Malley to be a serious candidate in 2020.........the game really wont start until Lincoln Chaffee decides to make another run.

This is a poopy take.

>Mike Hamersky, a self-described New York Knicks superfan

No, passing on a double yellow is being an asshole. Swerving to intimidate and kill is [attempted (edit)] murder. Asshole is much lower on the scale.

Maybe the cat had hair at one time, but then attacked a bird that he couldn’t handle.........Either that or he played a kitty version of Angry Birds and got his ass kicked.

Brad Stevens is already in middle aged white guy heaven.

While Worcester is trying to steal the Pawsox, it really is trying to steal the “Second City of New England” title away from Providence. Providence (and the surrounding areas of Pawtucket and Cranston) ooze more class and style than Worcester EVER will.

I’d rather be in Pawtucket than Worcester.

Oakley needs to listen to some JD and the Straight Shot songs so that he can calm down :)

Donald Trump’s children

Nah, you must have missed it, Vick retired this week.

I could care less about your “problems”. Unions need to be STRONGER not weaker.

Yes, that’s about as liberal as they come. And that’s the kind of thing that makes the left really not too fond of liberals. Kindly and promptly fuck all of the way off.

Kyle Lowry should get some kind of award for the first 30 seconds of that clip. It made me laugh, but at the same time he perfectly summed up the opinions of millions of people around the globe on this issue.

I’m a Proud Southern Conservative White Guy(TM), but f*ck stereotypes all around. I just wrote my Congresspeople (all Republicans) urging them to stall Trump as much as possible, if not outright oppose him. If you want to reform immigration, great! But if you want to be an authoritarian asshole to everyone as part of

CLEARLY a work, look at the way Goldberg no sells the strikes.