
I came on here to list 5 bands/singers.......Thankfully 3 of them were mentioned early (Nickleback, DMB, and Jimmy Buffett........and these would have probably been the Top 3). Great work :)

Not sure if im familiar with the history of Rosa Park.......She needs to work on her twitter 

If he is going to jinx a team, why can’t he become a Duke fan instead? Oh wait, even a guy like that wouldn’t want to be associated with a school that seems to look the other way when a rape occurs like Duke.


As a Rhode Island taxpayer, I am glad that Curt Schilling will not make the Hall of Fame this year.  I am hoping that one of these years he only gets 38% of the vote.

An anti-lynching bill introduced by Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker passed the Senate unanimously. According to Harris, “nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress during the first half of the 20th century,” and Congress failed to make it a federal crime until now.”

I hope Dolan never sells. Considering how far those 90's Knick teams set the NBA back, the Knicks deserve Dolan for a few more years at least..........

There has to be someone in the press corp that asks the coach in EVERY SINGLE PRESS CONFERENCE: “Why do you think Colin Kaepernick was not a better option than Mark Sanchez?” or “Why do you think it was ok to pursue a guy who hits women but not Colin Kaepernick?”.  This organization needs to be held accountable for

In Clemens’s case, he needed steroids

Ah ok, now I see it..........Yet another reason why Festivis really is for the rest of us.

I feel stupid for asking, but whats wrong with the image?

There are probably 799 reasons why he might be “toned down” today.

The most surprising thing about this play was that Chris Davis was on base.

They do say “Worcester” in a REALLY bad MA accent. That might actually make up for the lack of nickname

Can’t blame Worcester for wanting the Red Sox Triple AAA club, look at how much it has improved the city of Pawtucket. 50 years ago Pawtucket was a small city in such decline, people derisively referred to it as “the Bucket”. It had long since closed mills, a desolate downtown, and run down neighborhoods. Nowadays.....

Its stuff like this that give me hope during these troubling times.

Is it me or did the other guy (Cox) get the Dick Cheney Snarl going?

He is going all spikes up on Ty Cobb........I know Trump favors old white racists, but I thought he favored the ones that didnt die 50 plus years ago.

Not sure anyone would miss them either