What exactly does it say about me that I did in fact click on this story, knowing I would have to look at multiple horrible close-ups that made me gag, and am still commenting on it?
I know, fucked up. He should go to jail for that.
What the hell is wrong with that guy? He clicked “Accept” without even reading the agreement.
Having used it at PAX, I’d say its nowhere near as bad as people seem to think it is.
I can’t even get excited about Valve anymore. Blizzard takes their sweet time doing things, and they only trickle out new IPs, but they’re always on top of their products; they constantly communicate with their fanbase; and you can expect new stuff—even if it’s from an old IP—frequently. Plenty of other companies are…
I feel like Valve is waiting for VR to take off before they make the next Half Life game. When you think about it, both Half Life 1 and Half Life 2 (and the associated episodes) were essentially tech demos. Valve is looking to show off Garry’s Mod: the next one and they don’t think they can properly do it until they…
Nintendo should have produced more bottled water to meet high demands.
Seems to me that they’re in a “Project Titan” situation where the original vision for whatever they had planned has drastically morphed.
I wonder if it is too early to start complaining about this movie and it’s lack of German-looking blue eyed people.
What... what the hell? Leonard Cohen is dead, Trump is in the White House, and now Splash is actually USEFUL?
Drawing dicks on the chalkboard, well representing his streamer name.
If there’s one thing you cannot hold against the German, it’s that they really teach their population the atrocities of WW2. It often feels as if Japan doesn’t care.
I understand this concern. Believe me, I don’t take posts about fan games or translations lightly. Particularly with Nintendo. Who I believe are flat out irresponsible and unreasonable with their litigations.
Please just stop. Every time these get posted you all but guarantee that a C&D will be sent. People who want to play these types of games know where to get them... if you don’t sorry but having these types of articles on places like Kotaku is quickly making it much much more difficult for those of us who do know where…
The 79-year-old began voicing Goku when the Dragon Ball anime started in 1986 and has been involved with the franchise ever since then, voicing a whole host of characters throughout the different series.
Let me guess, this was in Florida?
They really need to pull a Freedom Planet and just make their own game that scratches the same itch.
Rooted phone = cheating?