
It’s back up atm

Ah, the old Joey challenge! His rattata is definitely now in the top percentage of rattatas.

There’s a proper cannon on the first level.

I’m not sure if the Mario universe even has a proper canon...

Silly man, this is the internet.

Oh man,I was really hoping it came on several hundred floppy disks or at least CDs.

Eggs > Fat palm tree > Dragon Type palm tree
Seems legit

“I still got the fucking Charmander, bitch,” had me rolling. Good man.

People are dicks.

Any time there’s a story about “Why people pirate games,” there’s always a comment section full of 800 judgemental people talking about why pirates should feel bad.

I haven’t really pirated anything since I was a kid like fifteen years ago in high school, but I’d never look down on someone for it. They ain’t doing

Just waiting for some horrifying woman’s cloyster pics to show up in response to this new version of dick pics.

This is gonna be one of those comment sections, so I just want to say I appreciate you sharing with your experience and hope things get better.

Agreed. He’s not saying Pokemon Go is bad or wrong, he’s just pointing out that loitering and wandering around with your phone like a creeper is more dangerous for a black person than a white person.

I dislike the “angry young white douchebag nerd reviewer” shtick that has proliferated through YouTube like cancer. I don’t like people who get worked up over disposable corporate culture. But I still like the AVGN because he was one of the first, he was funny and you could tell that it’s a persona he is taking on.

Abs Crunchum.