
She needs to own her beliefs. Shes doing it half-assed right now, only working up to a righteous froth over gays, when many of those who want to get married are breaking God’s Law in coutless other ways. Some might be eating shrimp, others handling a football while playing with thier kids, or wearing synthetic fibers!

This was not a comment on their weights.

Kim has stated that she’s proud to be much more humble than anyone else she knows.

I’m pretty sure their monumentally stupid lawyer Mat Staver has been steering this all along.

Is there a lawyer and/or legal expert here who can tell me if there’s a way for the courts to shut this crazy lady down and get back to doing actual important work?

I have to think at this point she’s being led by the hand by Liberty Counsel, right?

Clammy meat paws

“Coerced by threats of contempt sanctions” - well no shit, that’s what contempt charges are SUPPOSED TO DO, coerce you into not being an asshole. When we learn from the actions of others (ie. watching her be jailed for 5 days) because of someone else’s criminal actions, that’s called GENERAL DETERRENCE and is the

It also claims that her clerks were “coerced by the threat of contempt sanctions” into granting marriage licenses.

Yup. McCain stooped even lower than Bush Classic with Dan Quayle. I never thought it would have been possible.

I will never, ever, EVER forgive him for unleashing her on the public.

+1. #dontletyourprayingkneesgetlazy

Yet his campaign slogan was “Country First.” He was willing to unleash this nightmare on our country, without even the slimmest vetting, in a Hail Mary attempt to win the election. He lost so much of the credibility that he had built up over a lifetime of service to his country in that cynical move.

Agreed— that one is an absolute gem. And I’m jumping directly to adapting it as “Don’t let your cocksuckin’ knees get lazy!” as an insult for other circumstances.

And don’t let your praying knees get lazy!

“And we have not enough time to play small”

She’s a nightmare, but every time I see her I think of John McCain. How does he even have the nerve to show his face after choosing her as his VP? She’s barely functional in English and seems to have aphasia.

Erin, Imma let you finish, but you missed transcribing the BEST PART of her speech yesterday (and I SWEAR TO GOD I’m not making this up):

Da fuq did I just read?

Keith Olbermann had the best qualifier for Palin: the half-governor, because she never completed her first term in office. Oh, how I wish she’d go away and obeyed this teacher: