
“I’ve gotten all my sisters on it and all my friends.”

Thank you. “Love triangle” my ass. We don’t need a cutesy little phrase that makes murder sound almost cozy.

I’m gray but hoping to boost this comment up.

Good for you! That is an interesting blend of different fields which I wasn’t aware of.

There’s a geography professor who somehow lives five hours away from the college he teaches at? And his live-in girlfriend decided to cheat on him (maybe) with a co-worker at that same college which, again, is apparently five hours away from where they live? So many questions.

Yikes. This was a joke. Didn’t land. Didn’t mean to take a swipe at anyone.

His (alleged for now, technically) horrible act belies such a gentle sounding name (may we never utter it again).

Attention all news outlets:

Jez. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography. It’s a very employable field as it is very versatile, being a combination of physical sciences (chemistry, physics, geology, remote sensing), social and human sciences (stats, demography, trends, health/illness propagation, etc) and the arts (history, geography). I’ve been

You realize that most climate change studies emanate from geography departments right? And that geographers frequently collaborate with sociology, anthropology, archaeology and history departments on digs and archival research? And that Trevor Paglen, a geographer in the UC system, was the first person to use long

It’s a super interesting field - I took a few classes at a community college. It’s a combination of poli sci, anthropology, geology, history, and sociology as well as a few other things. It’s not just find Brazil on a map (which a lot of my classmates could not do). I had no idea what it was until I went to this

What the fuck is wrong with men? Yet again a spurned man kills. KILLS. Hell hath no fury like a man spurned.

There’s a geography professor at a college/university?

It is bullshit, right? Everyone keeps on trying to make this a religious freedom fight. But, really, it’s a job fight. It boils down to this lady not willing to do her job. I don’t care whatever reason she gives. There is no excuse that should let her get away from it. Religion is used too much as an excuse to get out

I’m puzzled when people talk about Kaiser like it’s so great because I hear so many horror stories. It’s cheap because it’s awful. I assume these people that rave about it don’t know any better.

Planned Parenthood-no judgement.

I haven’t lived and worked in California for 30 years, but good to know that Kaiser is still as shitty as always.

Sometimes they prevent people in dire circumstances from seeking needed care. But more often, they discourage abuse.

But more often, they discourage abuse.”

Oh, do they? Citation, please. Otherwise I’m calling your bold claim bullllfuckingshit.

Seems you care more about your ASSUMPTIONS than you do actual people. Gross.