
To be fair they never sold any tickets, and for PAX West at least those frequently sell out quickly, so it’s not a great idea to be booking flights or hotels without having tickets secured anyway.

I think it’s more that Disney would prefer we forget that they’re Space Nazis. Remembering that they are Space Nazis interferes with their ability to shamelessly merchandise the hell out of them.

Han Solo agrees!

Mind boggling that this made it into the final cut without anyone speaking up about how ridiculous it is. I love many things in TLJ but that shot seems well-nigh indefensible.

Can’t wait for DLC 3: “Another Death Star But This Time You Fly Inside It”, maybe we’ll also get DLC 4: “Death Star Planet 30 Years Later”

I know this has been brought up before, but I feel like Disney/EA has forgotten that the Empire is supposed to be the equivalent of Space Nazis.

Nah. IGN would be “7.8/10 Too much putting”.


Come on Zack. Buy me bonestorm or go to hell!

Dear The Movies,

“Well, you see Timmy, sometimes life is just a cruel, unfathomable joke, and our existence on this bleak earth serves only as the hollow punchline for an inhumane God’s vile amusement. Do you want some more popcorn?”

I like the part where a shirtless Bill Burr has a fistfight with Harrison Ford next to a running propeller plane.

I get the feeling that a pandemic-related straight to video release is exactly the kind of exit strategy the studio was praying for when they first saw this.

Adoption can be a wonderful thing, no doubt. But it can also be incredibly fraught and expensive, it’s not the point of the movie and it’s really insensitive to say to people who are struggling with infertility.

The greatest moment in Up is at the climax, when Carl discovers the scrapbook Ellie kept of their life together and her exhortation for him to keep going without her. That just destroys me, every time. Carl throwing out all of the furniture so that he can keep going is maybe my favorite thing in the whole Pixar oeuvre.

The heartbreak of realising you're unable to create a life with the person you love is not the same as simply "I want to raise a child". 

Not everyone wants to adopt, and it’s not a simple or easy thing for most people. Please don’t ever say this to a real-life couple dealing with infertility.

I consider this the perfect example of *not* “fridging” a character. Carl’s connection to his late wife and their thwarted dreams is necessary background for the plot of the movie - a lesser film would have *told* us about it, but Pixar instead opted to *show* the hell out of it and communicate a lifetime’s worth of

Pixar has made plenty of good movies since Up, but I still think Up is their magnum opus that they've yet to surpass.

But I’m a cheerleader showed me a film where the gay people were allowed to be happy and witty and funny and could be the butt of the joke and still the victors.