This is like a Bad Tweet CDO. Separate they are shit, together they are great (I just saw the Big Short last night can you tell).
This is like a Bad Tweet CDO. Separate they are shit, together they are great (I just saw the Big Short last night can you tell).
“This was a white-lash against a changing country”
I remember when you first got here Stephen, and I always got the feeling you were too good for this site. Everytime you post these short messages (or long), you're cleaning up after your staff's mistakes (or alleged mistakes).
Internet, where is my Red Wedding / Brazil vs Germany mash up? I keep refreshing Youtube but nothing happens.
The only good thing to come out of this is that the term "something-shamed" has officially jumped the shark. Stupidest thing out of the internet since cat-speak.
This was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Man, it's been a while since I've read a tim rogers post. It's been a while since you posted right? I haven't really been keeping up with kotaku.
Much like the characters from this movie, Only God Forgives is difficult to love. Everything in this movie is good except the script. While Drive was a very simple story, it managed to get there with suspense and style. This one just went crazy with style but forgot to make us care about the characters, including Ryan…
Brilliant. It's almost the same size as the original Xbox!
Man, fuck Blaziken. Lucario's easy enough to counter, but give a little bit of space to Blaziken and there goes the game.
Ok, thanks! Grass isn't doing too hot either.
Sometimes video games make you think, sometimes they make you laugh or cry, but mostly they are a dumb thing that lets you have fun in different scenarios, alone or with your friends and family.
Yes but Christopher Nolan was behind that decision. Snyder is behind this one.