
As I was going through the graph I thought, “who the fuck is Jyn Erso?”. Then I remember actually watching the film, and how bland and forgettable it was.

let the franchise die in peace please

But they did talk to each other, and Arya didn’t care! Sansa explained that she was forced into writing that letter and that she was a child and didn’t know any better.

Agreed on nothing feeling earned. All the reunions could feel so much meatier, but they’re sorta just blah.

Spying and counter-intelligence are different from sneaking and ninja skills. Arya is excellent at what she does, but then so is Littlefinger.

Littlefinger to Maester Whatever before he walks in his room:

Like the late Khal Drogo’s wound right?

Cersei’s competence is tied to the fact that she has actual experienced generals at her disposal, like Jamie and Tarly.

guys just stop it let the franchise die in peace

I’m hoping for an Aegon-type of situation where we find out that Luke has disappeared simply because he needed to train his own son/daughter to defeat Kylo (we meet this new character in this movie and is a more confident and awesome character).

Thank you, came here to say that.

This is like a Bad Tweet CDO. Separate they are shit, together they are great (I just saw the Big Short last night can you tell).


“This was a white-lash against a changing country”

I wonder who did Miller mess with in Hollywood to deserve such a horrible, truly depressing fate.

“Take THAT reguloratory oversight!”

God how I miss Charlie and Cyriaque.

Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters is a film for anyone who ever watched the first Ghostbusters and thought, “I wish they got to use their guns more.”

Except it hasn’t been brought up in the series. At all. Even though in the story it’s a somewhat accesible solution to these situations.