
Like even if I was somewhat sympathetic to this douche (if say he was a small landlord or retiree who needed the rent to live or was worried about the home spent much of his life in getting destroyed) how fucking dumb do you have to be to misread the room this badly and go public with this shit?

You do understand there’s a difference between protesting best health practices for the sake of doing so in a purely petulant, selfish fashion; and being well past pissed off and standing up for actual civil rights and social justice, right?

I was expecting something shitty and racist, so I guess it’s not the worst thing.

Like, I get what that tweet was trying to do. But holy shit is it so incredibly misguided that it’s unreal that homeboy literally didn’t think twice before pressing the post button. There are so many things he could have tweeted. Like

Your post made me lol. This is some Dwight Shrute being the only one good enough to be his own Assistant to the Regional Manager type shit.  

Everything is an extraordinary circumstance right now. Too much is happening that makes Sonic, Sega, or video game news, frankly, unimportant. Our community and our world demands better, but now does so to unsustainable extremes. And in that, TSSZ can no longer be the platform it should be. The decision has been made

for those puzzled about the death of the site, remember: Sonic died once and was resurrected by the kiss of a princess, so just wait.

Hey, some of that art is inspiring.

Ma’am, Sonic is a hedgehog. This is the kind of racial injustice he has to deal with on a daily basis.

...Shit. I’m going to have to burn my house down now.

yeah but have you compared a real life hate crime to the adventures of a cartoon hamster?

I don’t mean any shade, and I’m not speaking of all fans, obviously

That was a really bad take, but shutting down the site seems kind of ...extreme? Makes you wonder if they were kind of over being a *checks notes* Sonic News Site for over 20 years and that combined with the backlash made them realize that they were ready to move on. I noticed that they never apologized for that bad

Motherfuckers have no idea what real urban warfare looks like and they really don’t want to.

“Sophisticated urban warfare.” Give us a fucking break with that nonsense, PD.


American police are little-man syndromes manifested as state sanctioned gangs. Centrist respectability politics have no tools to address it. 

No one seems to have authority over the police forces anymore. It seems like we’re dealing with a rogue army, backed by laws to protect them, who’s union embraced the white supremacist rhetoric of the current occupant of the white house.

One could argue it’s a mob. A terrorist cell.

A lot of police, across the country, woke up yesterday and thought “Give me a reason.” For so many, their attitude wasn’t to protect life or property or maintain decorum, but to confront and put down protesters challenging their authority. That, along with the obvious racial component, is why these protests are

One takeaway I’m getting from all this is mayors have no authority over their city’s police force...

It’s a special kind of cop that thinks a knee to the neck is the proper response to a protest about a cop putting his knee to a guys neck.

In fact, Biden is reportedly fairing worse than Hillary Clinton with the under-40 set: His lead among 18 to 34-year-olds is narrower than Clinton’s was to President Trump during the last stretch of the 2016 election cycle.