
Can we all just admit Kingdom Hearts has always had a terrible story now?

Now that Tetsuya Nomura is done making more Xehanorts he can get back to his true passion: making more Soras. 

In the US anyway home owners or renters insurance would have covered the value of those items. You could spend the time to buy and replace those things with the money you got. I’m pretty sure most mortgages require insurance. Renters are not required to have insurance but it is cheap and a really good idea.

My rule is this: any game I’m sure I really want, I buy physical. If there’s a game I’m on the fence about, and it goes on sale (or I want to play that night, and stores are closed), I may grab digital. The bonus to this approach is that sometimes A) one of my physical games will be a free Xbox Gold or PS Plus game

Quibi is the billionaire media mogul equivalent of the Steve Buscemi “How do you do, fellow kids” meme.


Only one candidate can win the primary. And the whole point of an endorsement is to make a choice. This is not a choice. That Democrats are split as a party is not an excuse. Choose one of the two paths presented and justify it. The NYT editorial board obviously thinks it is influential enough to merit this

“In this election, British voters face a choice between divergent visions for the nation’s future.

I honestly do not understand how anyone thought this would: 1) be an interesting retelling of DBZ; 2) be a good RPG, and C) be a good fighting game.

Woefully in touch with their Japanese fans.  Fire Emblem is just bigger there than it is anywhere else.

After how surprising a lot of the Smash DLC has been up until now (including the DLC for the last game), it’s kind of disappointing to have Yet Another Fire Emblem Character. At least he’s not another Marth clone and he only uses a sword for a few of his attacks, like Ganondorf. He hardly counts as a sword user.

Let’s just say it moved him ... TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

I recently rewatched 30 rock and was blown away by how hilarious Sheen is in that.

I’m glad that RDJ is now just two more flops away from coming back to the MCU

I’m always glad Michael Sheen is getting paid

Loved him in Zodiac. “Hey ‘Bullitt’! You gonna catch this fuckin’ guy or what?!”

I have a simple rule: I see a trailer with a song as awful as whatever that version of “What a Wonderful World” is, I don’t watch the movie. 

Ffinancially, Gen X is actually doing pretty well by historical standards.

The Rise Of Skywalker seems to be a self-conscious repudiation of the previous film in that series

Shut up you gigantic tool y’all have been buying FULL PRICED DLC called the third game in every generation now for YEARS without calling previous games unfinished, dear lord