
Of course Elizabeth Warren has the best plan for dealing with Meghan McCain. Ignore her. Democrats tend to engage bad faith arguments from republicans in the name of bipartisanship. But Elizabeth Warren knows she is never going to convince Meghan McCain of anything.

Several candidates released statements late last night. Pretty sure that waiting until damn near noon the next day EST is pretty patient.

Such as it is, once the weight is lifted off.

No offense to io9 or the writers here, but: you guys kinda had a strong hand in stirring the pot on this one.

Angry gets shit done!

To their presumed relief, the reins have been passed back to J.J. Abrams, who made the first movie of the new trilogy, The Force Awakens

I don’t think Rian Johnson has any room to complain about JJ Abrams shitting on his choices. Turnabout being fair play and all that.

So of course, plenty of diehards (and cast members) wanted to turn the Death Star on him. To their presumed relief, the reins have been passed back to J.J. Abrams

This was all predictable after The Last Jedi came out. There was no other way it could go. Due to the failures of BOTH the first two films, the last film (Rise) had the impossible task of adding in story details that the prior films never bothered to establish and flesh out while also coming up with a satisfying

Last week, when there was the Twitter dogpile on Abrams, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega for being seen as selling out Rian Johnson/TLJ, one writer/critic replied to people who hated TLJ by tearing various other Star Wars films to shreds. It wasn’t done in a way which suggested they loved these movies but knew their

Reviews like this make it obvious in retrospect why Disney has been doing media blitzes for The Mandalorian and Disney+ despite this major blockbuster on the docket.

I’m actually optimistic. It seems to me that most of the critics who are pooping on this movie are the same who say The Last Jedi is a masterpiece.

Nah, Abrams is getting his fair share of shit still for 0 forward planning when doing TFA which helped this mess.

If there’s fault to be assigned for The Rise of Skywalker’s supposed fan service, it’s squarely on Rian Johnson and Disney for giving him the reins. This was always going to be a nine-part Skywalker saga and Rian, instead of adhering to the foundation of a story spanning decades, decided to do his own thing and throw

It isn’t “daring” to make a hero like Luke Skywalker do the exact opposite of his entire character arc by having him try to kill his nephew in his sleep. Maybe it’d be brave to make Aragorn kill Boromir, or hell even Denethor, because it’d be a twist and show that maybe he really IS ready and willing to be king, but

being all but retconned before your eyes

The NES game that turned Darth Vader into a scorpion was more daring than The Last Jedi.

That must have been the greatest work day ever for the call screener.

the one on the right triiiied to hold it together

You could actually see them turn into eight-year-old boys over the course of the segment. So good.