
MAD Magazine

The soundtrack being loud is on purpose. If you didn't figure that out, that's on you.

You're another one of those simpletons who completely misunderstood the ending of the movie. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

I remember watching that third season finale, seeing Kate climb out of her car and realizing we were in a flash forward and just completely losing my mind.

I think he got so turned around - I think it's easy to forget how grey everything became - his boss could turn into one of the most notorious killers at the flick of a switch. Faith, his slayer, ended up torturing him. The prophecy was artfully crafted to appeal directly to Wesley's background, interests and

I still maintain the Cordy/Wes platonic friendship has been the best M/F platonic frienship ever depicted in television history.

Yup Wesley. All the stars Charlie Jane.

Hated Jack from Lost, with a passion that could fuel a small nation for a decade. That is, until he went from this type-a douche to batshit insane. For what it's worth, I'm one of those weirdos who thought the show got better over time.

And if my name was Lucy, I prob would have made it in2 college!

Only if ISIS beat West Virginia.

If Christian Bale was named Muslim Bale - hey prob would have made another Batman! Snyder was obvi anti-Christian! #FuckAffleck

The Infinity Gems!?

I read someone justifying the Batnipples by saying they were meant to be a callback to ancient Roman armor, which did have the whole "abs and pecs and nipples sculpted in" thing going on. Problem being of course that A) it didn't look like that shit at all and B) Batman don't play that.

That, or just be honest about the show. "Yeah, it's Game of Thrones. You had to have known we'd put some nipple armor in there."

clearly they (I), did not fully read :)

So far, the show has been portraying the Dornish as being very open and relaxed about sex; why not decorate their armour with nipples? Hell, I wouldn't have been surprised if Oberyn had festooned his armour with dicks just to confuse people.

You know, it would be amazing to hear a costume designer just go all in: "Yeah, I put the nipples on there. They're awesome, because nipples are awesome, and that's why I did it."

So, Fallout 4.... Confirmed?