
Nice, but this is just a distraction from Benghazi.

I for one can't wait to see his helicopter.

As long as it gets rid of the all the red on the $10 bill, I'm cool.

That's just fucking awesome.

An oblate spheroid, if we're really going to get technical.

Yes and no. The impulse itself is in bursts, but the ship accelerates when the pusher-plate transfers momentum to the hull. Depending on the travel and engineering of the pusher-plate suspension, the momentum transfer to the ship itself could be more or less continuous - with experienced downward acceleration maybe

You shouldn't have to flop like a bitch to beat Celta Vigo if you are the best player in the world

The dive is annoying and absurd, but the thing that really gets me is how jazzed up he is after the cheap goal.

It met its rocky end off the coast of Haiti in 1885 while carrying a cargo of boots and cat food,


What These Casinos Do Will SHOCK You!

It was one of the first examples of auteurist television, without which there would be no Sopranos, no Lost, no Breaking Bad, no The Wire etc. it was one of the first times in recent memory that a serious film director had a TV series. None of those things really existed before Twin Peaks.

Lost was definitely a game changer. It had a huge impact on TV, especially prime-time network TV.

Absolutely. Say what you will about how it all ended up, but that show changed the way TV was made and watched. Game changing (and pretty darned good most of the time)

One way to define a game changer is by how many copies it spawns, and we're still getting variations on this. But the way it was shot, the types of stories it told, the episodes vs the arc. Game changer.

Love them or hate them, the Simpsons definitely changed how people perceived cartoons.

Going to get some flack I'm sure for this, But Lost. it changed so much about the way people thought about story arcs. Gave a lot of writers the confidence to pitch shows that weren't "dip in/dip out"

You had one job for that headline, ONE JOB...

Oh, this is an internet fight.