
Greg I like you but wow you are a real dick in the comments.

Isn't screwing labor one of the most American things?

How soon until someone leaks the full report?

So I agree with her at a gestalt level, but I'm not looking forward to the day when the rest of the league are effectively farm teams for the Lakers, Knicks, and Heat.

...few Qatar administrators allowed themselves to be interviewed by Garcia, and Russia claimed it had thrown out all its records of the bidding process.)

And Messi refers to Ronaldo as "Who?" whenever he's brought up.

I hear Fast and Furious 73 and 74 are coming out in December and January, respectively.

Oh yeah, now you cover the World Series!

C'mon, Billy. At least give the non-soccer audience a cliffs notes version.

We all appreciate your ability to be self-righteous in the face of tragedy.

WTF, dude. This isn't Jezebel.

Jesus; she's old enough to be his mother...

I think SavetoFavorites's post is saying something completely different than you think it is.

Have you seen her ass?

big deal, i had sex with lisa ann twice this week and didn't have to pay for overpriced concessions.

He looks like he just hooked up with Sandra Bullock after she crash landed to earth in Gravity.

Good question, Jean-Paul Sarte.

I'd make a tight end joke, but it wouldn't be relevant in her case.

I know if I was an awesome 18-year-old football player I would definitely shoot for 42 year old porn stars to hook up with.

Such. Weird. Boobs.