
Vader only senses other force users, and apparently familiar ones at that; dunno if he would have noticed Batman among the personnel on the Death Star.

Batman understands angles and his wrist. He'd know where the "blade" would be. It's like fighting with a whip, it's all in the wrist.

Well, I think Vader would've lost, honestly. Once Batman took out his life support, Vader should've been dead. None of that "the Force will support me" BS.

I'm not normally one to stand up for the whole "Batman can't be beat" side, but it's really out of character for him to go stomping down hallways and just duking it out toe-to-toe with heavyweights.

Ha! Batman laughs at broken vertebrae!

technically you dont even need the force to construct one. its just technology and there are very scientific explanations of how they work in the star wars universe that non-jedi can learn easily. the act of constructing a lightsaber through the force is only so that lightsaber resonates with you as you use it and it

Yes Hell Weapons.....

The University of Leicester publishes a clever journal that encourages students to explore their knowledge of physics by applying science to fictional scenarios. It's an exercise that academics in many fields undertake—not simply because it's fun, but because researchers often gain unexpected insights by thinking

Glad to see that Margaritaville made it to Jurassic Park.

Hope this is good, but sad how much the dinosaurs just look like CGI compared to the T. rex in the original movie. They look better than the Brachiosaurus in the first one but still.


Or simply "The act of naming a completely bogus scientific theory after yourself to give it false credibility."

Now playing

Such a great choice. Not only did she direct Breaking Bad, but specifically some of the most badass, action packed moments in the entire series. Exhibit A (somewhat improved by the presence of Guile's theme from Street Fighter):

They still at least had the first Iron Man movie going for them. I agree with your overall point though. Once they had introduced the possibility of the Avengers movie at the end of Iron Man, the rest of Phase 1 was mediocre at best until the Avengers movie.

There's a bit of historical revisionism at work here. A couple of months after Iron Man came out, the Incredible Hulk bombed in theaters. Next up was the nearly-as-terrible Iron Man 2. So yes, solid base, but it was immediately followed by the two worst Phase 1 movies. Marvel survived by constantly pivoting to new

And BlackJack! AND Hookers! In fact! Forget Apocalypse!

2016? How much Post does this film need?

Universal is going to be upset that Goosebumps beat them to their "Marvel style monster mashup" idea.

Ugh, this comment approval system is the fucking TSA of the internet.

No approved comments, huh? What are you trying to hide?!?!?!?!