
No. This is like me saying "have you ever been associated with terrorist groups?" To which you would say "no, of course not," and I would respond "aha! But our investigation found that a member of a terrorist organization was once dating a friend of your brother's wife, and therefor was present at the wedding of your

Well done citizen. Proceed to your recreation area and assimilate tomorrow's guidance messages.

This is all about the storytelling, not the financial performance. It flopped critically.

Yeah, make me dubious. Especially because the script we got was eerily similar to the script for Star Trek Into Darkness, by the same guys (minus Lindelof, which is why at least 10 minutes of AMS2 were great, as opposed to STID). It's all based on throwing the biggest numbers of "iconic" scenes and characters at the

Mr. Garfield's insistence to focus on the "Peter Parker as orphan" aspect of the Spider-Man mythos does not engender confidence in his view of the situation.

I dunno. The reveal that Electro was actually John Harrison/Khan Noonian Singh/Benedict Cumberbatch in a Jamie Foxx mask was really too much to take.

Wasn't the rumor that Batman was merely an "urban legend" in this film (well, at least at the start, I guess). How does that jibe with driving around in such a distinctive vehicle? I guess he can pull this monstrosity out of the garage when he stops being a urban legend, I suppose.

Out of everything they might have pulled from "The Dark Knight" by Frank Miller, the tank-like Batmobile would have been a huge win in my book. It felt soooo right in the future society that Frank drew.

"Ah well, maybe this Bruce Wayne has multiple Batmobiles."

I think it's a good compromise between the rugged Tumbler look and a more traditional 'Hot Rod' Batmobile. But those gull wing doors don't look too sturdy to me. One knock while they're open and they'll be off in no time. Not the kind of car you want to go up against, say, an ornery Kryptonian in.

Soooo... It's the Tumbler without, uh, some of the armor?

The Russian fear of "containment" is not unfounded — just look at US foreign policy in the late 90s and early 00s — but Mr. Putin is turning that fear into a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Boobs. Boobs encephalitis. A lot of anime characters suffer from that illness. Terrible disease.

Scarlett Johansson. I liked her nerdier early characters from Ghost World and Lost in Translation (Hey, that was even with Bill Murray!)

Not enough. Needs to have a woman of color, a Muslim, a homosexual, a Hispanic, an Asian, a Native American and possibly a transgendered Autistic dwarf Scientologist.

And what about Julia Louis-Dreyfus? She runs rings around most comedy actresses. I could easily see her in a Venkman-style role

And Kristen Wiig is so funny — God, she's funny!

I'd be psyched if DC decided once and for all that the TV version was completely separate from the movie version, and then brought in Brandon Routh to be TV's superman. I liked him, and I was sorry that he got the blame for a not very interesting movie.
