
I wish Hullabaloo well, and look forward to seeing it.

In these later years, I always see him as a comedic version of Kwai Chang Caine, wandering the earth, mingling with humanity, unexpectedly just showing up in people's lives and serving them with the Shaolin Kung Fu of smiles.

Looking forward to Terminator: Antithesys and Terminator: Catharsys

I have always been, and shall continue to be, the Buckin' Fuccaneers.

Could be worse.

I mean... You are assuming that didn't test other actors. The casting that was leaked said they had no nationality set (so they didn't just search for caucasian actors), and Nable was the one they liked the most. While I get the point... I feel what is the other side of the coin? Ra's isn't really very ethnic looking

Some of this problem is due to how Ra's is portayed by artists, historically. To me he always looked like a vaguely European white guy. When I first introduced to him in BTAS, I thought that's all he was.

Your limo is downstairs whenever you're ready, Mr. Cheney.

All the world will be your enemy
prince with a thousand enemies
and when they catch you, they will kill you
but first they must catch you...

Anyone else reminded of the episode of "Futurama" in which Bender is turned into a Human?

I'm going to fret anyway. This whole thing would require a level of subtlety and care that I can't believe SyFy (*cringe*) is capable of. Fingers crossed that I'm wrong, of course.

Another one of Angel being a bad-ass double agent. Here in Buffy episode "Enemies" (S3E17) pretending that he's lost his soul to get information out of the Mayor and Faith regarding the Ascension.

The T-Rex in Jurassic Park. Pretty convincing when he ate the lawyer on the toliet only to save the heros in the end.

When Angel joined the Circle of the Black Thorn, I thought he had finally lost it. Then he revealed his true plan, and it was awesome. It would be like if someone decided to take out the heads of Monsanto, Unilever, Wal-Mart, Target, Comcast, Verizon, News Corp, Exxon, Haliburton, Blackwater, and Bank of America all

It's also interesting that when there's more choices, people seem to have a harder time making a decision. I remember reading about a study where someone put out a display of six flavors of something (jelly, maybe) and then later a display of twenty flavors. The jelly sold better overall when there were six flavors.

The only limits of hyperbole are the endless reaches of the infinite imagination.

Unitarians: More of An Outlier Than Atheists