
Everyone likes to assert that Kardashian is "famous for being famous." But as Samantha Allen writes over at The Daily Dot, "It's not that Kardashian doesn't work; it's that her work is not recognized as legitimate within a sexist world that sees feminine culture and lifestyle as frivolous pursuits undeserving of any

I'd think, at least, on a video game site, we can recognize that this is a shitty game. Look at that hideous, cluttered UI. Look at the art design; the characters look like illustrations from the back of an off-brand cereal box.

Obviously this is the first worldiest of first worldy problems right now, but how do we know if we're going to be bumped back to the grays? I've managed to claw my way out of the land of the unapproved/unstarred and unseen something like three times over the last four years across comment system updates, and the

Koreans and Japanese are not fond of one another. So I could see why this happened. It's like when I mistakenly called a Puerto Rican girl Dominican. I've never been so close to castration in my life. Lesson learned.

The exact same question came up in my head when I first saw that.

I don't get why mega Slowbro would be a thing when Slowking exists. Why not have a mega evolution for Slowking instead?

Should pay more attention to your newlywed wife...

So clearly it's not fake, and you've just told this poor fellow he has a gigantic head.

They ate your mom's entire left side... She's all right now, coral. SHE'S ALL RIGHT NOW, CORAL.

They aren't, its actually remarkably hard to find a decent pair of snake-skin boots in the zombie apocalypse.

Now playing

I believe this was actually the late 80s, but I far prefer...

Prince Vegeta would never be caught dead in one of those.

It isn't I guess, but not everyone can make it to an event (I always do, but I digress...).

Hey remember the time when catching rare pokemon and finding rare item meant actually going out into the world and adventuring? Cause "connect to the internet" not exactly exciting way to get pokemon.

So when Salamence Mega-Evolves, he joins the Rogue Squadron and goes after the Death Star right?

I don't know why I immediately thought of the batwing, but I did...

Part of me says "this is dumb" but the other party of me says "corporations should be held accountable for advertising a product as one thing when it clearly isn't" False advertising is no laughing matter and can cause serious problems beyond more than "slightly blurry graphics".

Suing might be overboard but this shouldn't exactly be swept under the rug either. Tired of all these broken promises, I want accountability, damnit. I also would like a 1080p TV so I would have even more reasons to complain!


Hi, Redskins PR Dept. intern!