
It also has the best burn retort anyone has ever said to Batman.

This movie has been criminally under appreciated by Warner Bros. Barebones dvd release and still no Blu Ray >:(

Damn straight!

My favorite batman story....

What can we learn from reading the comment threads on this article?

1) Based on seemingly nothing, good writers are only, always and exclusively people who write short things.

Go fuck yourself.

This isn't the real world, dumbass. Halfway-respectable companies don't do this to their employees.

Oh fuck you and the horse you rode in on. He was hitting his targets, his was playing by their inane rules and they yanked the rug out from under them. Also, if someone's worth keeping, they're worth paying. Saying "You can keep writing for free" is utter bullshit. If he's not good enough to pay, cut him loose.

seriously? you're okay with people working for free? you are the problem.


At least he died doing what he loved: ruining a soccer game for everyone else involved.

and just to prove she's a stand up gal, she posts it for all the world to see....awesome.

The Ukranian team will instead play a previously unknown club full of people that look a lot like the guys from the Russian team. And for some reason the other team's uniforms won't have any insignia on them.

walk away

But he still punched a woman in the face, with enough force to break her jaw. Fuck that guy.

$23.42 to read 32,000 words may not seem like much, but it's actually the same amount that was paid to the writer, who is a Buccaneers cheerleader.

They'll keep fighting....and they'll win!

(Would you like to know more?)

What song is that from.