
Yes, please feel free to "spoil" this movie

I think Jorge Campos has you covered:

The entire film is "robo-suck," amirite?

They should do some for the Free Cities as well. I figure the Tyroshi kits would all look like something from the early '90s.

Team White Walkers.

I imagine there won't be a Greyjoy uniform, because we all know that Greyjoys don't sew.

Naaah... this is not even half over!

If Rinko Kikuchi is back, then an emphatic:

the rift was in the water; it's logical that the fights would take place there.

Universal must have remembered that there's always money in the banana stand.

I'm down with that, but I'll never understand the criticism of the movie for doing night/wet fights. Ignoring the fact it's a legitimate stylistic choice, we'd already seen plenty of daylight robot fighting in Transformers. The night stuff was actually a nice change of pace, compared to that.

Does this merits a sexy party? Mmm...I believe it does.


The world still can give us good things.

Is it cities in the 21st century, or cities in general? I'm just saying that, judging by the review, one could draw a direct parallel between the story as described and the plight of the immigrant in, say, New York a century ago.

Bill Paxton's character. He's just annoying and shouts a lot.