
The same way the Corleones have casting authority in Hollywood.

Jesus, Greg. You had to go and do him like that?

actually... no it's NOT. when have you ever referred to a woman as a "he"?

i'm reading it now and it's not like i mind the pronoun thing on principle but it doesn't really make sense and tweaks at my logic circuits so that i almost decided not to read it.

This almost ruined the book for me. I try to consider myself pretty open to ideas but the constant use of "her" and "she" for all characters, genderless, female and male, made it difficult for me to picture the characters in my mind and associate with them. It is not exciting to read a book and questioning what gender

In a professional event like this, does the bitee have the right to pursue civil or criminal damages from the biter?

Greg Howard: "That was a banger."

All I know is my gut says 'maybe'.

"Playing soccer."

...but would you want to explain how you caught syphilis from Luis Suárez?

Your lack of sensitivity to Vampiric-Uruguayans is very offensive.

No they really don't know. While they're film geeks, they're not devoted to comics or games like we do. The way they reviewed TF3 was to take turns watching half of the movie each and then try to piece it together. And that's Rich Evan's laugh, he really does laugh like that.

Rich Evans laugh is magical.

Always enjoy seeing RedLetterMedia getting love on sites like Kotaku. They put out some of the funniest and most intelligent cinema related content on the web and they don't get nearly enough attention.

The movies have indistinguishable robots coming on and off screen all the time. It's a miracle to tell an Autobot from a Decepticon.

HA! I love RLM. Just watched this last night actually. I hope they do more like this or like the Resident Evil movie marathon.

Is it cheating when a basketball commits a foul? No. It's a foul.

As an Everton fan I really am enjoying the fact that the rest of the world is finally seeing how much of a fuck Luis Suarez is

I said this in another post but ill say it here too: He needs a year long ban and a mental health exam. Growing up headbutting Referees and biting players repeatedly needs to be address by him, his family, his agent, and/or his club if he expects to continue playing.

"The Tickler, Polliver, Weese, Chyswyck, Dunsen, Raff the Sweetling, The Mountain, Ser Meryn Trant, Ser Ilyn Payne, The Hound, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei, and after the display I just witnessed against Italy, Biter" - Arya Stark