

Wait. They SIGNED a WRITTEN CONTRACT detailing illegal match fixing? That seems insane to me. Who the fuck documents in written form the crime they're about to commit?

no one is ever Ghana trust them again.

This is going to ruin FIFA's reputation.

Best I've seen so far

Mexico CAN NOT win the World Cup because Chris Farley is not alive to play the role of Herrera in the epic movie about it

If the Mexican team ever achieved any level of success higher that what they've accomplished up to date, the Mexican media would go absolutely nuts. It would be "La selección" every day everywhere every time. As much as I'd like team Mexico to succeed, well, the thought of having that media frenzy makes me think

Um, when? The Chileans were diving left, right and center.

I mostly agree. They have "goaltending" in basketball, so why not soccer.

Not to sound biased or anything *cough*cough* but how is Croatia at the 98 World Cup not on this list?

Waiting for TV hipsters who talk about how "Medium definition television just has a much 'warmer' picture. It's a more mysterious and intimate viewing experience."

My wife would watch the video of the Columbia v US match and say, with a straight face, that she doesn't see any difference between that and HD TV. I. Just. Don't. Fucking. Get. It.

Better than Qatar

This is the only way it should be done

I hate everything this article is....this is...

Look forward to it.

Nope. Nope. Nope. SO MUCH nope.

*rains of castamere*

But imagine all the crappy fanart it will inspire on Deviant Art.