Am I the only one who thinks they would have been better off with the name "Amiigos?"
...I think Nintendo has a Ministry of Silly Names. Does this have some special meaning in Japanese? Because I'm always going to think of them as amoebas.
Wii U = 6.3 Million
Meanwhile, Angelina Jolie just made $20m for her ridiculous flop.
Does this mean England will crap out in their own special way?
Because not everything is willing sacrifice thoroughness to accommodate your attention span.
Appears to be working for him, eh? He's had a couple viral things already. Appears he's found his niche: to completely dissect and dismantle a topic.
I'm all for LeBron hate, because fuck him, but shouldn't the comparison be more apt?
It's important to also note that HOLY SHIT stop being so sensitive! He's an athlete and a public figure he is not immune to criticism. He's also a grown ass man and an NBA veteran. He's not a high school player that should be coddled. Also he once declined to play a Cavs home game that was being played elsewhere (I…
League championships won -
Rape is real and horrendous. I don't see Game of Thrones glamorizing rape at all. It's very ugly about its portrayal, as it should be.
"Is it ok with the public to violate someones rights because you don't like that person? "
He was attempting to make a larger point while using a timely issue for reference.
Even though the Escapist may not have used "incendiary language", they did mask (or fail to expose) a lot of things in very clever ways, and do make some reasoned connections that imply inflammatory things.
Community Manager has to be the worst job you can have in the game industry. You're basically the punching bag for loud and obnoxious forum babies.