Neat trick making each of your sentences dumber than the one before it. Like a Russian doll of fucking stupidity.
I hear you bro. Living as a white person in the US can be very difficult.
He's a community manager; he knows his job is to provide a public face to his company. If he's going to make a controversial statement (which, based on his lead-in, he totally knows), then at the very least he could've restricted the post to his closest friends.
He posted it on his own personal profile, not the company's. This is akin to firing someone for getting drunk in a club even though they were off the clock.
I won't cast judgement as to whether he should or shouldn't have been fired, but when you're a public figure on Twitter with thousands of followers (142k, in his case), your tweets aren't just "expressing opinion" - they're public statements that often do represent your employer, especially when you've got a…
Guy was an old bigot, no question about it. But should this Olin guy be fired simply for expressing his opinion on the matter?
No, things that are reported all the time aren't necessarily accurate. Except that news actually used to be reliable back in the day. It wasn't like today where people just repeat whatever they heard on Twitter. Back then, there was actually verification for most stories before they were printed. And if everyone was…
This was never fucking legend. It was widely reported at the time, in gaming magazines of that era, no less. For goodness sake...
I'm not saying that predictions and causality are not important, but rather I was noting my (admittedly unscientific) observation that people tend to latch on to the correlation is not causation mantra as a knee-jerk attempt to discredit otherwise strong research with which that they may not agree. Predictions and…
Good list, but I feel like the correlation-causation thing has become a crutch for anyone who wants to deny a finding. While it's true that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, it's almost as if people have taken this to believe that correlation and causation are mutually exclusive (i.e., that study can…
At the beginning, though, Krillin was stronger. The end of Dragonball clearly establishes him as the most powerful human.
First playthrough of Red.... I'm so thankful for the move-deleter.
Seriously though, why can't you forget HMs if they were always reusable? I understand if you're surfing while you level up, but otherwise WHY?!
Cats are just bigger pieces of shit.
Here's my ranked list of which characters spend the most screen time crying, whining, blubbering, screaming in fear, hand-wringing or shaking in abject / silent terror: