half the guys there have bigger tits than her.
half the guys there have bigger tits than her.
So you went to McDonald's instead?
Obviously this isn't bad enough to get in the way of anyone's enjoyment, it's just fun to think about!
I don't get up in arms about the endings to the Pokemon games. The games don't necessarily have an over-arching storyline that goes from game to game. It's basically a RPG that features you, and the reward for winning is the journey you went on and conquered. They've made that clear from the get-go, and I am cool with…
*clears throat*
I'm not seeing Karen on this list. She uses Dark types, she's super hot, and she says that "Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites."
That's why I don't read that English bigot. #boycottSwift
As part Native American (25%) I would like to say fuck the Asian's. This was our land of debate. When will everyone stop taking what's ours?
This is almost as bad as that time Jonathan Swift told everyone to eat Irish babies.
Considering how popular articles about the New York Jets tend to be, I'd say quite a few people love a good joke.
Best become a Twitter activist and post some hashtags so Twatters like you can unite in outrage.
I'm Vietnamese, didn't take offense since I know what they are trying to satirize. Maybe you should educate yourself so things don't fly over your head, asshole.
Twitter activist
I come to Kotaku for coverage of these events. I also go to CNN for real world news. But if CNN covered a State of the Union address with a series of doodles about everything going on except for what the President had to say, I'd probably not look forward to CNN's coverage again in the future.