
I just realized that i don't want Mario in HD.

That's not a solution.

As soon as a new tool gets added to game that tool has to have viable use within the game world. It has to make sense in the narrative setting. You add guns and right away the level design has to change to accommodate for players who want to use the. Every level has to allow for brute force play

Guns don't kill good game design. People kill good game design.

Or a Nazi physicist.

I do not play such games........with Jake...

[chid is arrested by Russian authorities]

It's more, "I think why this failed is I tried to pander to women."

Is that quote what we're going on? It doesn't really sound like he's blaming women, but rather blaming his own failure to appeal to women.

To be honest, this makes me really uncomfortable. I just don't know how I feel about a Congress actually doing something.

"Cheering for a football team should never include the casual use of a racial slur."

I'm pretty sure whatever is happening in that picture is, in fact, illegal in Texas.

"This is not slavery, therefore it seems pretty okay" is a spectacularly dumb argument.

"there's someone else dumb enough that would replace you."

"120 pounds," quoth the Ravens. "Nevermore."

A friend of mine was an NFL cheerleader. She quit to be a dancer in a cage in a casino because the pay was better and the work was less degrading. I wish I were making this up.