-lithium atom, sodium atom
-lithium atom, sodium atom
If it had a JRPG-style item description, would it be 'Touch fuzzy, get dizzy'?
Been high on Nintendo ever since the 80's
What if you think that abortion is a horrible, reprehensible act just SHORT of murder, but that in some cases it is the better of two literal evils?
Or, you believe that, due to bullshit politics, we really have no idea what is and is not a life and think it's better to err on the side of caution and not perform what…
I question the judgement of anyone that believes that, of all the myriad problems we have facing us, that the issue of abortion is the single largest one.
the way "the market" wants to handle it is by capping data, tiering service, and throttling certain sites. there is no market in terms of ISPs, just miniature monopolies.
Cant wait till we hit 100%
I'm all for net neutrality, and to think there are more and more people speaking out against it in support of corporations BAFFLES me.
Internet in the US is a fucking disaster. I look at how good it is in some parts of Europe and places like South Korea and weep that we consider ourselves a "technologically advanced" and connected society.
Actually it's a tribute to her former co-star Paul Walker.
It sounds great in theory, but here's the reality:
I can't decide what's more frustrating - that people like Hunter Moore exist or that people are so up tight over nudity that a woman can lose her job over private photos leaked for all the world to see.