A better question is why is it that soccer is the only sport that Deadspin provides Greg Howard-level writeups for.
A better question is why is it that soccer is the only sport that Deadspin provides Greg Howard-level writeups for.
This was just a freak accident. They were both acting in self defense. Can you image how bad this would have been if they didn't have guns to protect themselves.
Shinies are fun?
The rare basketball Hat trick.
This is sweet, but did they really have to gun down his parents first?
It just goes to show that people who comment on the internet are the lowest lowlifes out there.
Rubbish. Where did you get your information from? Caning is done behind bars and littering is punishable by fines only. Hentai is easily accessible if you know how to and the police can't be bothered to go house to house to check computers for hentai. Please stop spreading such inaccurate "background information".
like ponies then?
On the bright side, the Kiwis got the crucial away goal!
Let's instead choose to appreciate how lame it is that the Mexican fans are so overjoyed to beat such a lousy team.
The wolverine one was hilarious. Gambit was ok. This one sucked though, it was just him repeating BIRD for way too long.
17. Berating the help.
"Date Rape" was robbed!
Christ. Sailing is different than Yachting? Aren't they just boats in the water doing boat shit? I need to watch more preppy sports movies, I guess.
why is he picking only domestic league players? Is he going to continue that if they make the world cup, because that would be hilarious