
Pathetic. As if we need more drug lords getting attention for killing people. This article shouldn't have seen the light of day.

There is a feeling in Mexico that posting these pictures isn't helping the efforts to end the violence. Young people, more often impoverished young men, will see them and decide that Hey-up, look at all that money and fancy golden guns! Joining a cartel is swell idea. Who needs school? And then they get killed in

Is that an actual picture of him?

Much meme. So disrespect.

The video games brought him to morbid obesity.

There's nothing wrong with being quiet. Not everyone needs to be extroverted.

Fuck. Yes.

With a face like that, how could he be a bully?

"They put out an accurate press release; maybe it was self-serving but hell, it's a press release. Mainstream media just took Call of Duty and $1 billion and swallowed it whole"

Haha! It's funny because Internet Explorer is a crappy bro-

As a guy from a third-world country, making a single mistake could cost me my job, and no, I wouldn't be able to spend time with my family, or spend time to exercise, or go on some diet, or not go to work and not worry about it - I'd probably run out of money in two months and starve to death. I'm appalled, that some

Thing is, you really need that 1080p to truly tell that the fish move out of the way when you get close to them.

the essential message is that this fine young lady fellated the man untill all of the color was gone from his penis.

I know it doesn't use the original image.

You Maniacs! You booted it up!


Ha even Nerfnow thinks the whole thing is kind of stupid.

Man the composer for these games....