
One of the best decisions ever taken by the Mexican counterpart to Nintendo Power, the official Club Nintendo magazine, was taking their crew to every E3, CES and TGS, Shoshinkai Show/Space World event where Nintendo had prescence. Back in the internet-less era of the 90s I'd wait eagerly for their reports and scour

... You should still be disinterested since you don't actually like this kind of game.


Does Infernape's mega evolution give him a nimbus cloud and a bo staff?

Ehh not quite the same thing, the interactivity of it is what is controversial. We all need to stop pretending that it isn't at least worth looking into.

That is why you fail.

The first hour is always boring... that's like saying "I don't get Mario Bros., I always get bored at the start menu.

You gotta stick with it for at least a couple of hours. Give this one a try and AT LEAST play until you get to the part inside the volcano.

Peach got curious after Snake's sound advice

Someone, somewhere brought this up already, but it's the perfect way to describe the episode so I'll be using it; the latest Breaking Bad was like the last ten minutes of the Red Wedding episode of Game of Thrones, stretched out for the full hour.

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?


what if we hit it off at the lunch though

Finally, a relatable Superman.

DC is anti-maturity. They don't want anything mature or responsible in any of their comics. This includes stable families, marriages, or personalities. The only thing "mature" DC will allow in their titles is a "mature" tag warning indicating rape, explicit sex, or gore/violence.

It's clarified that it's not so much DC is against same-sex marriage. They're just against marriage. Period. They're afraid of the change in the status quo. It just comes off as anti-same-sex marriage. Which still doesn't help improve DC's Editorial competence.

You LIE!

Some do! They just don't tell the other gov't... :/

Well it does have to be localized.

You can assume what you will but if you know your first device had trouble understanding/recognizing certain dialects and your forcing the next device on everyone who wants the next console...wouldn't you have worked on that little problem AHEAD of release? No?

"The fare or your life."