
I thought he'd be busy playing with the other fans of all stars... Oh wait...

I just want to note this:

Those saying, "Forcing Microsoft to roll back its always-online DRM policy is only holding back progress," or calling those who were unhappy with the XBox One's initial setup, "entitled whiners," really, REALLY need to look at the launches of Diablo 3 and the latest iteration of Sim City,

I don't like it. :[

Every time I see stuff like this and Skylanders, I feel like I should send it to my parents with a note that says, "Now, imagine if this existed but for Pokemon cards. You guys got lucky."

Am I alone in thinking that Jason Isaacs looks like a perfect (admittedly older) Batman? I watched Awake last year. Seeing him do "American detective case-solving person dealing with loss of family" was the only audition I needed.

This is dumb. We just went through a Batman trilogy including an origin story and concluding with the next successor to the cowl who was not Ben Affleck. To have Ben come in out of the blue and into the black with no background, no buildup... not a fan. The timing's so off.

I tried clicking on The Onion link on this page. It has to be here somewhere. Please.

To be fair, when someone threatens to punch you in the balls but then changes his mind, only because he wants your money and punching your balls to get it was a stupid idea, but he still really wanted to punch you in the balls, it's hard to support them for awhile after that, no matter how much they claim it was

Why doesn't Matt Lauer grill politicians like this? What a joke.


The "prime numbers" are what really interest me here.


Wow, that was so cool! A game that attacks both sides and doesn't make any definitive statements other than 'politics is bad!!!' And 'All politics suck equally!!!' That's so... so brave! And so... well, so, cool! And it really teaches us something. The way it equivocates both sides of the argument! Wow! Those guys are

I still think it's incredibly cute that Americans consider Democrats to be left wing, while in the Netherlands they'd be more right wing then our most right wing party:P.

A few years back, I had the great fortune to meet this man while he was wandering the floor of the San Diego Comic-Con before the doors opened to the public (huzzah Exhibitor Badge), and I got to thank him profusely for making Pan's Labyrinth. He sheepishly smiled a bit before letting out a great big laugh, came over

Sleeping Beauty and Snorlax.Too obvious?

Do not make eye contact with the UFC.

What I learned: you can basically beat anyone using Spore. I knew my old-school Sleep Powder/Hypnosis strategies were solid...